How reliable are knee kinematics and kinetics during side-cutting manoeuvres?

Introduction: Side-cutting tasks are commonly used in dynamic assessment of ACL injury risk, but only limited information is available concerning the reliability of knee loading parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability of …

Can two-dimensional measured peak sagittal plane excursions during drop vertical jumps help identify three-dimensional measured joint moments?

Background: Less optimal sagittal plane movement patterns are believed to increase knee injury risk in female athletes. To facilitate clinical screening with a user-friendly method, the purpose of the present study was to examine the temporal …

Impact of Knee Modeling Approach on Indicators and Classification of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk:

The aim of this study was to determine whether using a direct kinematic (DK) or inverse kinematic (IK) modeling approach could influence the estimation of knee joint kinematics, kinetics, and ACL injury risk classification during unanticipated side …

How Reliable Are Lower-Limb Kinematics and Kinetics during a Drop Vertical Jump?

As drop vertical jumps (DVJ) are widely used as a screening task, the assessment of the reliability of lower-limb biomechanical parameters during DVJ is important. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of the kinematic and kinetic peak …

The effect of running speed on knee mechanical loading in females during side cutting

Background: Side cutting involves mechanical loading of the knee which has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury risk. Despite a fast growing body of research, the relationship between loading mechanisms and running speed is still …