
Primary and submovement control of aiming in C6 tetraplegics following posterior deltoid transfer

Background: Upper limb motor control in fast, goal-directed aiming is altered in tetraplegics following posterior-deltoid musculotendinous transfer. Specifically, movements have similar end-point accuracy but longer duration and lower peak velocity …

Sensory-motor equivalence: manual aiming in C6 tetraplegics following musculotendinous transfer surgery at the elbow

Cervical spinal lesions at C6 result in paralysis of the triceps brachii while leaving deltoid and elbow Xexor function intact. We examined the spatial–temporal characteristics of goal-directed aiming movements performed by C6 tetraplegics who had …

Analysis of tetraplegic reaching in their 3D workspace following posterior deltoid-triceps tendon transfer

Objectives: To quantify three-dimensional (3D) reachable workspace in different groups of tetraplegic participants and to assess their reaching performance within this workspace. Setting: Northwest Regional Spinal Injuries Centre, UK. Methods: The 3D …